Meeting Minutes

NAAO Member meeting for June 2022.

                                                           JUNE 29, 2022

ATTENDEES: Sung Kang (KAA) Outgoing NAAO President, Schiller Liao (ATA),       Julia Joseph (AAEN), Susan Fifer (AFAA), Victoria Li (APAPA), Tony Vo (AARC), Lee Ngin (Cambodia) Dabasree Dasgupta (IACT), Jayant Sheth (IACT), George Chang (ACA), Thanh Bui (AACHI), Sumit Dasgupta, Vince Cobalis.

Susan Fifer is taking  minutes for this meeting.

6:25 pm Meeting called to order by Sung Kang Outgoing NAAO President.

  • Sung Kang proposed to ask some previous Presidents of NAAO together with the 3 Vice Presidents to be in the advisory board.
  • All 9 previous presidents were invited at the combined April-May meeting for an award recognition of their service to NAAO. 7 previous presidents were present except Victoria Li and Rohit Jain.
  • Sung Kang awarded the glass plaque to Victoria at today’s meeting.
  • Victoria mentioned that her presidency brought her lots of happiness where she was able to know most of the Asian association here in central Texas.
  • Sung Kang also recognized all outgoing officers who worked with him.
  • Sung also presented a Certificate of Appreciation to all of the executive board Savy Bouy, Julia Joseph, Schiller Liao and Dabasree Dasgupta.
  • Sung thanked all of them for their support during his term as president.

Victoria Li volunteered to be the new Secretary for NAAO 2022-2024.

Tony Vo was introduced as the new AARC Manager who started this June.

  • Tony came from Dallas and has been in Austin for 20 years. His previous employer was University of Texas in Austin. Tony is a social worker by training. He is looking forward to serve the Asian community in Austin and to be a part of the predicted growth of the center.

AARC news

  • The first  kids summer camp just ended which went for 4 weeks.
  • The second summer camp will focus on film making.
  • There is a new senior program called Bollywood
  • Started this June some job opportunites available: Event Coordinator, Administrative Specialist, Marketing Representative.

Schiller Liao reported on the update for AARC Phase II project

  • Architects were already selected.
  • Community outreach was also finished
  • The planned performing arts center will have 380 seats. The room is collapsible for smaller group activities
  • Currently other performing arts center in Austin can only accommodate 148 seats.
  • Available fund presently is 7 million ( 4.9 million for construction, 2.1 million for design project management and survey).
  • In order to proceed with the project additional funding of 15 million is needed.
  • Plan to do fund raising initiative, apply for bond package for next election

Donor wall Schiller proposed to remove all the donor tiles which are falling down and instead put the donor’s name on a plexi glass (3 inx6 in). The proposed budget for this action is $3000. 10 member directors voted unanimously to approve the proposal.

George Chang Election committee chair presented the nominated new officers of NAAO 2022-2024

  • Dabasree Dasgupta will take over the position of NAAO President starting July 1.
  • Secretary Lee Ngin accepted to do another term as the treasurer of NAAO.
  • Victoria Li voluntered to be the new secretary for 2022-20224 term and also to oversee the NAAO website.
  • NAAO Vice Presidents will continue to be Schiller Liao, Julia Jospeh and Savy Bouy.
  • For President Elect position Vince Cobalis , President for term 2024-2026 He was nominated by Dabasree Dasgupta and seconded by Susan Fifer.
  • With these new NAAO officers Sumit Dasgupta moved to approve the slate of officers and was seconded by Schiller Liao.

The 9 member directors present unanimously voted to approve the new officers of NAAO as presented.

A Proclamation for the Asian American and Pacific Heritage Month Day on May 24, 2022 at the County Court was accepted by Victoria Li recognizing the contribution of Asian community in Austin Texas

Organizations Update:

  • Sung suggested that each organization should send an official invitation to NAAO for any events produced so information can be shared to all organizations to participate and attend to bring the community together.
  • Proposed Taiwanese National Day October 22
  • Tentative date for proposed Election Candidate Forum  September 17 at AARC by the AAPAC Suggested sponsors will be IACT, APAPA and NAAO. Any endorsement as the result of the forum will be done by the AAPAC.
  • NAAO Retreat to be announced by Channy.

Membership update: VACAT is no longer a member of NAAO

  • NAAO member organizations present agreed to share email addresses of all member organizations  to the Office of Representative Lloyd Dogget as requested by his office.

Capital Metro project: No contract to collaboirate with Cap Metro this year.

Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

NAAO Member meeting for April/ May 2022.

Date: May 4th, 2022

Time: 6 pm – 8 pm

Location: Asian American Resource Center

AARC notes Agenda : 
NAAO formed officially in 1998, since then we’ve had 12 presidents, original star group appeared today.

May 4th meeting because April and may have lots of people on leave so it’s merged. 

6:15 start board meeting (April may combined) 
NAAO update: Sent membership due, most organization paid except two needing follow up. Website maintenance and update by Sam 

First face to face meeting in a long time. 
AARC update by Leila: 

Cultural education acting supervisor Leila 
May is Asian heritage month, 
Celebrasia – May 14, 11am to 3pm 
Book club – summer meetup May 17, crying in H-mart will be read, cooking class based on the book 

Greater Asian chamber of commerce, restaurant and entrepreneurs (marketing) event – free beverages in the event 
Team summer camp – no youth summer camp due to staffing issues (6-9 ages), teen theater and film camp, 2 week long. Completely free for all teenagers regardless of from Austin or not. Focus on theater and film. Free teen program. 13-18 years old, all race welcome. Guests from film industry for film instructions.

Manager search for AARC – candidate selected. Hopefully to start this summer. ————————————————-Shuler(?) – good architects competing to the phase 2 of the AARC expansion. Meeting with them and update, if you still have ideas, speak to the AARC phase 2 working committee. 

Successful architects and contractors on board. City indicated to build 380 seats, 7 mil dollars is too short. 5 million dollars is too small. If congressman can come to support, please help to build the center. 
Architects will be at Celebrasia next Saturday. 

Other organization update: 
This Saturday at AARC, meet and greet event. 
County judge coming, the MC appeared on Netflix, matrimonial show. Tickets are $95 for non members, still being sold. Meet and greet, sit down dinners. Congressmen will be there. 6-7pm meet and greet. 

New year celebration – May 21st Saturday. 7pm free event 
Filipino association event – groups established. May 14. From 6-11. Same week as Celebrasia. Capital metro invite hopefully? ——-District attorney Jose Gaza working with Travis County attorney to develop a task force for anti hate crimes. Asian hate crime is now law signed by President. What’s missing is the data on hate crime. DA spoken with FBI to create task force. Hate crime task force. 
Came away with two recommendations. Jessica Hoon? Resigned week ago, recommendation to have her and Leslie to serve as representation of the task force. 

Data collection, is UT plugged in? Travis County does not separate hate crime for Asians with other crimes. The committee is tasked to address this issue. Also create policy as a whole. 
Educate the community in importance of reporting crime, since it’s not reported. Don’t brush off situations. 
APD had meeting on hate crime. Victims don’t come forward since they are afraid, or don’t know it’s a hate crime. 

Award for previous presidents was presented by President Kang. We awarded all previous NAAO Presidents.

NAAO Ex-Presidents

Raymond Chan (1998-2000)
Shanker Reddy (2000-2002)
George Chang (2002-2004)
Rohit Jain (2004-2006)
Susan Fifer (2006-2008)
Phil Hoang (2008-2010)
Channy Soeur (2010-2012)
Sumit DasGupta (2012-2014)
Schiller Liao (2014-2016)
Gopal Guthikonda (2016-2018)
Victoria Li (2018-2020)
Sung Kang (2020-2022)

NAAO Member meeting for March 2022.

Date: March 30, 2022

Time- 5.45-7.30pm

Location: Zoom Meeting

  1. Introduction by NAAO President Sung Kang
  2. Membership update: Board members were reminded to pay their 2021 dues of $200.00

The dues for 2022 were waived.

Email with the invoice will be sent by the Treasurer.

NAAO website update: Members to send links of their organization website to Sam: Send photos to [email protected]

Discussed nominations and recommendations for Future President elect.

Discussed holding an event for the recognition of past NAAO presidents.

  • AARC Update by Leila/ Bianca

Celebrasia is being planned for May 14th

AAPAC update given by Ashwin/ Sung:

Go out and Vote November 2nd.

Alice Yi: “Hope Asians can come together to promote and raise awareness of the Asian-Americans running for political positions. Please register to vote and go out and vote!”

Update of AARC Phase II (Schiller)

$7 Million budget deficit to build bigger facility. Discussed possibility of raising more money so we can build a bigger stage with more seats.

250, 300, 350 seats. Votes being taken. For 350 seats we are $7 million short.

Sung mentioned about the Capital Metro contract with NAAO that they are working on and will be meeting with them soon.  

Schiller and Sung met with Capital Metro this month and were informed that the prior format that was used to receive the funds from Capital Metro will change for the year 2022.

NAAO Member meeting for February 2022.

Time- 5.45-7.30pm

Location: Zoom Meeting

  1. Introduction by NAAO President Sung Kang
  2. Membership update: Board members were reminded to pay their 2021 dues of $200.00

The dues for 2022 were waived.

Email with the invoice will be sent by the Treasurer.

  • NAAO website update: Members to send links of their organization website to Sam or Sung

Previous pictures of NAAO events to be sent to Sam or Sung

  • City of Austin Watershed Protection Department (WPD) presentation. WPD is responsible for the storm water management in the City

: Slide presentation by Sari Albornoy and Michelle from the Planning Team.

    Presentation link to be forwarded to the President Sung Kang

    This tool is also helpful:

  • Presented the Rain to River project that is being worked on

There was a Q&A session. Sari’s question was  how to connect with the other member organization to get involved in the program which can result in a grant. Sumit said that NAAO will be the central point that will provide the pathway to the other organizations.

Schiller thanked the team for the presentation and the importance of community engagement.

  • AARC Update by Leila Grace

There was a pipe burst at the AARC and it will be closed till further notice

ESL Meditation classes resumed

There was 3 exhibit opening reception in the 2 week of February and it was attended by 130 people.

Celebrasia is being planned for May 14th

Sung requested the use of the Ballroom for the April meeting.  Leila will get back with him.

There were questions about the process to apply for Art exhibit display.  Leila said that there is a back log from 2020 due to the closure of the facility. Available dates for those applying in 2022 will be in 2023

  • AAPAC update given by Sung Kang: Candidate forum will be hosted by NAAO in the latter part of June/early July

Contact Ashwin or Sung if NAAO members wanted to join the AAPAC. 

  • AARC update: Schiller said that there is no update.  Design work has not begun yet

Donor wall: Schiller is waiting to get estimates.

  • Austin Asian Community health Initiative: Thanu Bui gave updates on the hiring of health navigators.  A brochure is available in 7 languages and she will provide them to NAAO

Sung mentioned about the Capital Metro contract with NAAO that they are working on and will be meeting with them soon.  

Schiller and Sung met with Capital Metro this month and were informed that the prior format that was used to receive the funds from Capital Metro will change for the year 2022.

*NAAO to submit an annual plan that will include community events (5) where Capital Metro representatives can have a booth or make a presentation along with the 5 Capital Metro Project events recommended by NAAO.

Schiller and Sung to meet with Capital Metro again.  Discussion was regarding the pros and cons of having Capital Metro present in the community annual events.

Sung Kang mentioned that his term as president will end June 30th and that he was honored to work with the Executive Board.  The entire Executive Board thanked him for his service.

Debasree – the President elect will take over. 

  • I live here I give here:

NAAO Member meeting for January 2022.

Dear all,
I hope you are all staying safe and healthy!

Please see below for the meeting minutes from the January 2022 meeting.

6:00  Call Meeting to Order & Review Agenda (Sung)

6:05  NAAO Update (Sung)

– Membership due update (Lee)

– Website update (Samuel Lee)

6:25  AARC Phase II presentation (Trahan)

$7 Million Proposed Budget So Far

Founder: Trey Trahan

Wanting to know the history of our community to impact architectural designs and layouts. They want to build something that will be and remain beautiful. Talked about the building as it ages and patinas.

Current and past projects include:

National Bonsai and Penjing Museum

Coca Cola Stage at the Alliance Center

The Contemporary Austin’s Laguna Gloria Master Plan and the Moodu Pavilions 

Owensboro-Daviess County Convention Center 

Magnolia Mound Turner Family Visitors Center

Luther George Park

Phase 2 Visioning

1.     What does this project mean to the NAAO community?

2.     What is the mission and vision for AARC Phase II within the campus and edternally (City of Austin and beyond)?

3.     Are there similar facilities that capture your ambition for this project?

Discussed seating limit 250-350.

Main questions were concerning if there was flexibility to increase maximum seating capacity.

Budget concerns and ability to add seats to existing space.

Designs questions and input.

7:25  AARC update (Bianca / Leila)

Ceramic Group Showing

Feb 18th: 6 pm.

Summer Camp is back this year. Reg Feb 19th. Financial donation provided.

For more info pleaes visit:

Meals on meals updates

Rentals at 100% capacity. 

Volunteer help requested for bi-lingual. Vietnamese and Chinese. Korean etc. 

Central Texas food bank

Membership Dues address

7:35  Update of AARC Phase II (Schiller)

7:45  Other organizations update

18:06:22 From  Sona Shah (she/her) : Happy new year everyone! Good to see you all.
18:09:11 From  Sumit DasGupta : Happy New Year to you all.
18:22:12 From  Sumit DasGupta : Very elegant designs
18:37:23 From  Shubhada Saxena : I agree. The designs are beautiful and evoke wonder. Hope the design brings “wonder” to Austin.

A theme of “Embrace the Diversity” when sharing about the Asian American community resonates with me.
18:40:36 From  Sona Shah (she/her) : Thank you for sharing Thanh!
18:53:39 From  Malin Ouk (GAACC) : I agree as well. I think it is a good idea to express diversity, the Asian community, and learn the culture and traditions of one another and expose it to the rest of the city.
19:04:17 From  Thanh Bui – AACHI : Can you remind us what buffering means/looks like?
19:08:50 From  Thanh Bui – AACHI : Some thoughts I have on the questions: – a focus on open, welcoming space. Natural light if possible (the current AARC building can feel a little dim / boxed in).
19:09:50 From  Alex Pong : I have to start cooking for family dinner , I will keep listening but then off my video
19:10:36 From  Alex Pong : turn off my video to start cooking and I keep listening .  thanks
19:31:49 From  Vince Cobalis : Art gallery can be an opportunity for more creative art exhibits that are not limited to putting on the walls.
19:35:31 From  Thanh Bui – AACHI : A mobile box office would be really cool, as well as a lobby that can accommodate some pre-show tabling since many shows might be collaborative and supported by multiple organizations that would want to table
19:46:49 From  Christina Bies – PARD : We will have a survey coming up soon that we will share with you, too!
19:49:41 From  Christina Bies – PARD : Just a reminder to stop recording and start again
19:55:51 From  AARC | Leila Grace | She/Her : of “Embrace the Diversity” when sharing about the Asian American community resonates with me.then off my videohave to hop off. Have a good evening!
20:05:46 From  Thanh Bui – AACHI : We’ll be happy to pay!
20:07:54 From  AARC | Leila Grace | She/Her : It was great seeing you all! have to hop off. Have a good evening!
20:09:36 From  Shubhada Saxena : Thanks all.

NAAO Member meeting for September 2021.

NAAO Member meeting for October 2021.

5:45  Arrival, meet and greet
6:00  Call Meeting to Order & Review Agenda (Sung)
6:05  NAAO Update (Sung)

6:25  Special Guest (Tx. House of Representatives James Talarico)

Member of the Texas House of Representatives, Mr. Talarico's story and mission can be found here:

Voting takes place November 2nd!

6:50  Austin Asian Impact (Shubhada)

            - Introduce AAI team and Sonam Rehani

Sonam Rehani introduced us to Austin Asian Impact and discussed their purpose and goals. More information can be found here:

6:55  AARC update 
7:05  Update of AARC Phase II (Schiller)
7:15  AAPAC - Upcoming Election (Ashwin)
7:25  Other organizations update


18:27:06	 From  Sam Lee :
18:47:04	 From  Alex Pong : I will turn off my video to prepare for family dinner . I will keep listening
18:53:24	 From  James Talarico : 512-587-8961
18:53:31	 From  James Talarico : [email protected]
19:06:30	 From  Sonam Rehani : Thank you for giving Austin Asian Impact an introduction. Please visit our website for more info :
19:22:27	 From  Leila Grace Pandy | AARC | She/Her : The AARC will also be a voting location on Nov 2nd.
19:38:21	 From  Leila Grace Pandy | AARC | She/Her : I have to hop off but it was great seeing everyone!

NAAO Member meeting for September 2021.

5:15  Arrival, meet and greet5:30  Capital Metro Presentation (Tabon Gardner, Andrew Benford, Diponker Mukherjee)- Capital Metro Public Safety program

Mr. Gardner gave a Public Safety Program Update. Discussed the initiatives moving forward to ensure safety to public, employees, and everyone involved.

Safety challenges discussed
1. Daily Operations & Service calls2. Special Events.3. Critical transit infrastructure.

3 Prong Approach Solution
1. Public safety ambassadors.2. Intervention specialists.3. Transit Police.

Top 5 Reasons for calls currently.1. General requests for assistance.2. Loitering3. Miscellaneous - no mask or mask related for example.4. Disturbance (verbal or physical)5. Welfare Check

Summary of board resolution
Engage a consultant to guide development and implementation. Develop a public safety advisory committee charter and appointment process for board consideration. Develop a staff training program.

Next steps. Report back on progress in early 2022 and periodically throughout implementation. Public safety consultant Chief Wanda Dunham.

6:30  Call Meeting to Order & Review Agenda (Sung)
6:35  NAAO Update (Sung)- Year-end Asian community culture event by NAAO - Membership due update (Lee)- Website update (Samuel Lee)
6:50  Guest Speaker (Mary Ann Espiritu)

Marry Ann is running for Judge of County Court at Law #5, "I promise to treat every person equally to ensure justice is accessible to all"

7:05  AARC update (Sona / Leila)7:15  Update of AARC Phase II (Schiller)7:20  AAPAC - Upcoming Election (Ashwin)7:25  Other organizations update

18:30:54 From  Sona Shah | AARC | (she/her) :

18:41:29 From  Mary Ann Espiritu :
18:46:12 From  Sona Shah | AARC | (she/her) : Thank you Mary Ann!
18:50:44 From  Leila Grace Pandy | AARC | She/Her : Artist Talk: Sherwin Rivera Tibayan -

Family Storytime Series -

Artist Reception - Oct 22 - TBD Registration Link

Stories from the South: Archiving Series for the Family!

Hyphenated - Book Club Meet Up -

19:02:51 From  Sona Shah | AARC | (she/her) :
19:28:57 From  Sona Shah | AARC | (she/her) : Spring sounds good. I need to head out, but great seeing you all!
19:33:15 From  Leila Grace Pandy | AARC | She/Her : Great seeing everyone! have a good evening!s

NAAO Member meeting for August 2021.

1) Preservation Austin's applications for Merit Awards is open 
I just joined the board and would like to include Asian places and spaces 2) AARO McBee Fellow applications are also open and we need Asian representation there too